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WordPress. How to work with Cherry Parallax plugin (based on CherryFramework 3.x)

Ammy Brown March 30, 2015
Rating: 3.0/5. From 2 votes.
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This tutorial is going to show you how to work with Cherry Parallax plugin in WordPress.

WordPress. How to work with Cherry Parallax Plugin

Cherry Parallax Plugin installation

First, you need to prepare your site to working with parallax plugin.

You should skip this step in case your template has pre-installed Cherry Parallax plugin.

  1. You can download plugin using the following link. Download and save the file on your computer.

  2. Install downloaded plugin in your WordPress admin panel, under Plugins -> Add New-> Upload Plugin:

  3. Make sure the plugin is activated in Plugins -> Installed Plugins page in site backend.

Cherry Parallax Plugin shortcodes

To use Cherry Parallax Plugin effects, you should open any site page and wrap the desired content with the required parallax shortcode.

  1. Use shortcode below to add image background for your page content:

    [cherry_parallax image="img.jpg" speed="normal" invert="false"]  ...  [/cherry_parallax]

    In this shortcode there are the following parameters available:

    • Image – Specify your image name under image field. Make sure your image is uploaded under Media -> Library tab in your admin panel.

    • SpeedParallax ratio. You can set it from 1 up to 5.

    • Invert – Inversion.

  2. In order to add video background, use the shortcode as follows:

    [cherry_video_parallax webm="video.webm" ogv="video.ogv" mp4="video.mp4" poster="video_poster.jpg"] ...  [/cherry_video_parallax]

    You can insert video with webm, ogv or mp4 format only. Make sure video is uploaded under Media -> Library.

    Poster allows you to add video pre-loading image. Replace video_poster.jpg with your image name.

Thank you for reading this tutorial. Feel free to check the video instruction below:

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WordPress. How to work with Cherry Parallax Plugin

Modern Wordpress Themes
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