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WordPress Cherry 3.x. How to remove Google map from the Home page

Celine Jade May 14, 2015
Rating: 5.0/5. From 2 votes.
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This tutorial will show you how to remove Google map from Home page in WordPress Cherry Framework based template.

WordPress. How to remove Google map from the Home page

Cherry Framework theme often contains Map Setting options. These settings allow you to change its location on Home page, as well as its zoom features.

In order to access those settings and change your Google map location, log into your WordPress administration panel and go to the Cherry Options -> Cherry Options, open Map tab.

You only need to change latitude and longitude parameters there:

how to remove map from home page.1

Read more on the topic by following the link: to change map location.

In order to completely remove Google map from your website Home page, you should edit a .php file:

  1. Log into your WordPress administration panel and go to Appearance -> Editor:

    how to remove map from home page.2

  2. Locate wrapper-footer.php file of your themeXXXXX and open it to edit:

    how to remove map from home page.3

  3. Remove the following piece of code:

    <!--?php if( is_front_page() ) { ?-->
        <div class="footer_map" data-motopress-type="static" data-motopress-static-file="static/static-map.php">
        //<!--?php get_template_part("static/static-map"); ?-->
    <!--?php } ?-->

    how to remove map from home page.4

  4. Save changes and refresh your website.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WordPress. How to remove Google map from the Home page

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