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WordPress. How to install a template using dump.sql file
July 29, 2016
This tutorial will help you to install the WordPress template with the sample content using dump.sql file.
First of all we advise that you check the documentation, provided with your template. Open your template package, downloaded from your personal delivery page and find there a Documentation folder.

Please, open the Documentation (Installation and Editing).html file and check the installation instructions there.
Take into account that the instructions in the template documentation may differ from the described below. These are generic for all the WordPress templates, instructions in the template package are for your specific template.
Your WordPress engine is supposed to be installed before template installation. If you did not do that, please check this tutorial. Once WordPress is installed, please, follow these steps:
Installing themexxx.zip file. There are 2 ways to upload your file:
Open your WordPress admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes > Add New. You will see there the ‘upload’ button, please, browse the folder themexxx.zip and install it.
Please, upload the file directly to the wp-content/themes, and unzip it there.
After you upload the template, activate it in the admin panel at the Appearance > Themes > Activate theme.
Installing required plugins. The main files of the template have been successfully uploaded, now, please, upload the plugins. There are also 2 ways to do it:
Go to WordPress admin panel > Plugins > Add new > Upload and choose the plugin from the sources/plugins, and activate it. Please, upload all the plugins one-by-one.
With the help of FTP or File Manager. Please, upload zipped plugins to the wp-conent/plugins folder and unzip them there.
Installing sample data. Now we should upload images to your site. Upload the Uploads folder from the theme/manual install directory to wp-content folder on your server. You can do it via the FTP or File Manager. Please re-write the existing folder uploads on your server.
Importing dump.sql file. This is the last step. Please, open the dump.sql file, located in theme/manual folder of the template package (usually the name is themexxx.sql) in any text editor (for example, Notepad++ or Dreamweaver). Then use the search function (CTRL + F hotkey) to find all the instances of your_website_url_here and replace them with your website url. Make sure to click on Replace all button and save it.
Now we should go into hosting control panel and access the PhpMyAdmin database tool in order to import the modified ‘themeXXX.sql’ file to the WordPress database. Once you enter the PhpMyAdmin database tool, select your database. It should look like on a screenshot below. Feel free to check the online tutorial on how to upload the SQL file to database.
Note: Importing the SQL file to your database will overwrite your existing site content and website settings. Do not import the SQL file if you want to keep the existing content! Always backup your database before performing any modifications.
Click on Import tab, click Browse and select your modified themeXXX.sql file. Click on the Go button after doing that.
Open your site. It should look exactly like on the template’s live demo.
Sometimes SQL file import does not work due to tables’ prefix incompatibility. Feel free to check a detailed tutorial on how to change your table prefix.
Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:
WordPress. How to install a template using dump.sql fileIn case you’re seeking a wordpress personal template to put up a professional website, take a look at our premium themes.