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WordPress. How to deal with “mobileMenu only works with /” error
- ” error
January 21, 2013
Our Support team is ready to present you the way to fix the following error:
mobileMenu only works with /
If you get this error, that means you missed some installation steps.We recommend you to follow the installation instructions carefully.
Always check the "documentation.html" file, located in your template package (the name may be different).
Make sure you’ve performed the following installation step:"SQL dump file installation"
ATTENTION: Importing the SQL file to your database will overwrite your existing content and website settings. DO NOT import the SQL file if you want to keep the existing content.
Let us see how to import the .sql dump file.
1. Open the "themeXXX.sql" file, located in the "sources" folder of your template package with any text editor (preferably Dreamweaver or Notepad++).
2. Replace all instances of "your_website_url_here" with your website URL in the entire document using the Find and Replace tool (usually the Ctrl+H hot key). E.g.: http://www.google.com
Make sure that you do not have the forward slash "/" sign at the end of the address.
3. Save your changes and close the file.
4. Next, you can import the dump file with the phpMyAdmin tool or some other database management tool (contact your hosting provider if you cannot locate any database management tool).
Refresh your website to see the changes.
The error has been successfully fixed.
Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:
WordPress. How to deal with “mobileMenu only works with /
” error