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WordPress Blogging themes. How to change or deactivate page pre-loader

Daisy Cooper August 31, 2016
Rating: 2.2/5. From 58 votes.
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This tutorial will show you how to change or deactivate pages’ pre-loader.

  1. Please, navigate to your Admin panel -> Appearance -> Customize.

    WordPress Blogging themes. How to change or deactivate page pre-loader

    There you will see a list:

    WordPress Blogging themes. How to change or deactivate page pre-loader1
  2. Please, choose Site Identity tab. Click on Show preloader when open a page:

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  3. Click on save and publish button. Navigate to your frontend and refresh the page.

  4. To change the color of the pre-loader, please, navigate to your Appearance -> Editor menu and open style.css file for editing.

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  5. Add this css rule to the end of your style.css file:

    .tm-folding-cube .tm-cube:before {
    			background-color: XXX !important;

    Here XXX is your color code(hexadecimal).

  6. Next, click on Update File button to apply the edits.

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    Navigate to your site frontend and refresh the page.

Now you know how to change or deactivate page pre-loader.

Have a look at our collection of elegant WordPress Blogging themes.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WordPress Blogging themes. How to change or deactivate page pre-loader
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