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WooCommerce. How to change product image dimensions

Emily Rose April 8, 2015
Rating: 2.0/5. From 16 votes.
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Hello, this tutorial shows how to change Product Image Dimensions in your WooCommerce store.

WooCommerce. How to change product image dimensions

In order to configure the image dimensions, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Open your WordPress admin panel and navigate to WooCommerce -> Products. Select Product tab and click Display:

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  2. Scroll down to change the parameters for the following options: Catalog image, Single Product image, Product Thumbnails;

  3. Uncheck the Hard Crop option if you do not want the images to be cropped, but re-sized. Save the changes:

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  4. Right now only the newly added images will be resized according to these parameters. In order to re-size previously added images, you can use the extension to re-generate the thumbnails:

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  5. Download the extension and install it in Plugins -> Add new:

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  6. After you install the extension, navigate to Tools > Regenerate thumbnails and click Regenerate All Thumbnails:

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  7. After the regenerating process, all the product images should appear with new dimensions set.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WooCommerce. How to change product image dimensions

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