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«MouseGallerySlide» Image Gallery
Ноябрь 15, 2010
This is a Gallery Script that allows changing slides by moving the mouse cursor.
In order to make the script work, the index-#.html file with a gallery should contain these lines of HTML code in order to include the jquery.mouseGallerySlide.1.1.0.js script and the jQuery framework:
The section of the index-#.html (or the section just before the closing 买球平台 山东博物馆 Sabah-Official-website-contact@chapterdesign.net 体育博彩 Spinach-platform-service@seo5678.com 亲亲我家 食品信息网 Sun-City-app-contactus@iconfuture.net 莆田新城网 亚洲博彩平台排名 北京四中 亚洲体育博彩平台 Football-platform-marketing@xsdvoip.com Crown-Sports-Betting-help@letaoyizs.com Venetian-Online-marketing@tassahil.net 365bet中文 皇冠博彩 澳门金沙 ag8-Asia-Tour-careers@summercampinglights.net 乐网论坛 傲世OL官方网站 中国农经信息网 一数科技 温岭人才网 中科大家长论坛 仙桃房网 湖北足球网 海勃湾区政务网 搜狐上海 汽车门 芒果TV影视 海尔商城 站点地图 特仑苏名仕会 tag) file contains these lines of code that initialize the script functionality with basic values:
HTMLBelow you can see general HTML script representation:
In order to add a slide you will just need to add a bulleted list element (
You can find script related stylesheet in the main style.css file.