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Magento. How to manage social media sharing icons (starting from template #54689+)

Judy Waters December 8, 2015
Rating: 4.8/5. From 4 votes.
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This tutorial shows how to manage social media sharing icons in Magento templates (starting from template #54689+).

Magento. How to manage social media sharing icons (starting from template # 54689+)

Social tools help to increase social media followers and audience of the store. AddThis tool is used in our Magento templates. It is incorporated by default and usually appears in the product page.

Navigate to the System> Configuration> Addthis> Sharing Tool section to enable/disable and configure the sharing tool of the store:


The following tabs are available to work with appearance and functionality of the social sharing tool:

  1. General: enable/disable social sharing tool with it:


  2. Button Style: select which style of the social sharing icons to have in product pages:


  3. API Configuration Options: configure specific settings for the sharing icons.

    This tab allows excluding specific services from the list; sets the list of sharing button for compact and expanded menus. Select language to use for icons, specify the offsets of the compact menu from its parent element, define header and background colors, etc.:


  4. Custom URL and Title (Optional): defines custom share link. Set up page title and its description with this tool:


Note: leave tabs blank to use default settings of the AddThis extension.

Use ‘Save Config’ button to update changes:

Note: you might need to re-index the data and clear cache to view applied changes.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Magento. How to manage social media sharing icons (starting from template # 54689+)

Premium Magento Templates
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