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Magento. How to fix Magento 1.7.x themes/Magento 1.8.x engine checkout issues

Norman Fisher December 13, 2013
Rating: 5.0/5. From 2 votes.
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This tutorial is going to show you how to fix checkout issues that may occur on some Magento 1.7.x based themes and Magento 1.8.x.

If you are having problems with the checkout (for instance, nothing happens when you click “Continue” on step 7)  when using a Magento 1.7.x based theme with Magento 1.8.x, please follow the steps below:

  1. Connect to your FTP via File Manager (an FTP client) and go to  the app\design\frontend\base\default\layout directory.
  2. Open the checkout.xml file to edit.
  3. Change the following code (line 45)


  5. Save the changes.
  6. Copy the modified checkout.xml file to your desktop.
  7. Go to the app\design\frontend\default\theme###\layout\ directory on your FTP.
  8. Rename the checkout.xml file you have there and upload the modified checkout.xml file from your desktop.
  9. Try to check out on your site. If the issue is fixed, delete the renamed checkout.xml file.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Magento. How to fix Magento 1.7.x themes/Magento 1.8.x engine checkout issues

Magento Responsive Themes
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