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Magento. How to disable “Specials” block on home page

Sandra Kim November 18, 2015
Rating: 5.0/5. From 4 votes.
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This tutorial provides an explanation of how to disable “Specials” block on home page in Magento.

Magento. How to disable “Specials” block on home page

Usually “Specials” block is displayed using a widget. In order to disable it, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Log into your Magento admin panel and navigate to CMS -> Widgets.

  2. Locate the Specials (Sale) widget and click on it:


  3. There are two basic ways of how to disable it:

    • The first way is to simply delete it by clicking on the Delete button at the top:


    • The second way is to remove it from the layout of the home page. Let’s proceed with this way.

  4. Scroll down and locate the Layout Updates section. It specifies the page and area on it where the widget will be displayed.

  5. In order to disable the widget, click on the Remove Layout Update button.

  6. Press the Save button to save your changes:


  7. Refresh your website to check the changes. The Specials block has been disabled.

Also, in older templates “Specials” block can be set in the code under CMS -> Pages -> Home page -> Design tab -> Layout Update XML field.

In this case you can disable it likewise the New products block described in the following tutorial: Magento. How to disable “New products” block on home page.

Now you know how to disable “Specials” block on home page in Magento.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Magento. How to disable “Specials” block on home page

Magento Ecommerce Templates
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