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Magento. How to assign links to slides

Judy Waters January 29, 2016
Rating: 5.0/5. From 3 votes.
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This tutorial shows how to assign links to slides in Magento.

Magento. How to assign links to slides

If there are no links assigned to the slides by default, they can be applied manually after performing the following steps:

  1. Access your dashboard and navigate to CMS> Static Blocks> Slider. Open the slider static block content.

  2. Locate the line for the slider picture. Usually, it looks as follows:

    div data-src="{{skin url='images/slider/slide1.jpg'}}" 
  3. Add data-link=”###” to the line, right before the closing tag. Replace ### with the actual URL key of required page inside the website:
    div data-src="{{skin url='images/slider/slide1.jpg'}}" data-link="dirt-bike.html"

    Alternatively, you may use external link as well. In this case format of the URL should be as follows:

    div data-src="{{skin url='images/slider/slide1.jpg'}}" data-link="" 
  4. Save changes once you are done with all modifications:


Get back to the site’s front-end. The slide link should be successfully applied.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Magento. How to assign links to slides

Magento Premium Themes
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