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How to install Magento engine&template on GoDaddy hosting server

Ryan DeWitt October 30, 2012
Rating: 3.2/5. From 5 votes.
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This tutorial shows how to install Magento engine and template on GoDaddy hosting.

1. Go to and download appropriate version of Magento engine. You should download full version, not downloader. You can check template preview page in order find out compatible version of Magento for your template.

2. Login to Godaddy and open control panel of your hosting account. Open FTP file manager and upload file with Magento engine.

3. Unzip Magento engine.

4. Open the link to your Magento engine. Agree with terms and click next.

In case you are getting “No input file specified” error on the initial installation screen, please check the following tutorial: Magento Troubleshooter. How to deal with “No input file specified” error upon Magento engine installation on GoDaddy.

5. Set locale settings and click on Continue.

6. Now we need to specify database access details. Let’s create database in Godaddy cpanel.

6.1. Open MySql database.

6.2. Add new database.

6.3 Login to phpMyAdmin database tool.

6.4. Select database and import sql file. In case you experience issues with importing sql file please check the video tutorial. There you will see how to get rid of particular issues.

6.5. Specify database access details and proceed to the next step.

7. Specify personal and admin details. Proceed to the next step.

8.We have successfully installed Magento engine.

9.Now we need to upload template files. Zip contents of themeXXX folder (XXX are actual theme numbers).

10. Zip \sample_data\media folder. Upload zipped files to the root folder of Magento engine. Extract the files.Make sure that you have selected Overwrite existing file.

11. Open your FTP file manager. Go to media folder. Remove or rename .htaccess file in this folder.

12. Open Magento admin section and refresh the cache. Check the following tutorial for additional information: How to clear Magento cache

13. Open Magento home page. Template should look exactly like on template live demo.

We have installed Magento engine and template to Godaddy hosting.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

How to install Magento engine&template on GoDaddy hosting server

Magento Themes
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