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WordPress. How to add images to posts

Daniel Morales January 30, 2014
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This tutorial will show you how to add images to posts or pages in WordPress.

WordPress. Как добавить изображения к постам.

The images could be easily added through the WordPress admin panel.

1. Open the WordPress admin panel.

2. Go to the Posts/Pages menu on the left and select the post/page you want to edit.

3. Use the visual (WYSIWYG) editor buttons above the post content area.

4. Click the Add Media icon and in the window which will appear select where you want to add image from.


  • You can add images from the computer. In this case, click the Select Files button and select the images you want to upload.
  • From the Media Library. Select Media library if you want to add images that were uploaded before.
  • From URL – allows you to add images from some external resource.


When you’ve selected the image, a configuration tab appears on the right.


You will be able to edit Alignment, Size and Link settings from here.

1. The Alignment setting allows you to determine where you would like the image to appear in your content area and how it will interact with any text on the page. You have the following image alignment options to choose from:

  • Left: Aligns the image on the left-hand margin, and any text that is on the page wraps (or flows) around the image to the available space on the right.
  • Right: Aligns the image on the right-hand margin, and any text that is on the page wraps (or flows) around the image to the available space on the left.
  • Center: Aligns the image to the center of the page, with no text displayed around it.
  • None: Inserts the image into the page with no alignment

2. The Size settings determine the size of the image you are adding to your site. By default WordPress creates a range of four image sizes for you to choose from:

  • Thumbnail: Displays a small thumbnail-sized version of your image on the page/post. Note, by default the Thumbnail size is a square, so some cropping of your original image may occur.
  • Medium: Displays a medium-sized version of your image on the page/post. This is a good size to use with Left/Right alignment as it leaves sufficient space for legible text on either side.
  • Large: Displays a large-sized version of your image on the page/post. Note: WordPress will determine the width of the content column of your theme and display the largest possible image for that space.
  • Full Size: Displays a full-sized version of your image on the page/post. Note: WordPress will determine the width of the content column of your theme and display the largest possible image for that space. If your original image is larger than this column width, the full size of the image may not be displayed.


3. The Link To settings determine the URL/web address to which the image will be linked when clicked by a visitor to your site. You can specify the following image link settings:

  • Attachment Page: Links your inserted image to its WordPress media attachment page.
  • Media File: Links your inserted image directly to the original, full-size version of the file.
  • Custom URL: Allows you to set a custom link URL for your inserted image to link to when clicked.
  • None: This setting will remove the link completely, rendering the image “unclickable”.

4. When you are done, click the Insert to Post button.


Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WordPress. How to add images to posts

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