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Grayscale Hover Effect

Template-help.com Team November 15, 2010
Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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This script allows to add smooth grayscale hover effect, based on sprites.

In order to make the script work, the index-#.html file with a hover effect should contain these lines of HTML code in order to include jquery.slices.1.2.js script and jQuery framework:

The bottom section of the index-#.html (just before closing tag) file contains these lines of code that initialize the script functionality with basic values:

The idea of the plug-in is to smoothly desaturate the image and add a link to it:

Below you can see the HTML script representation:

The HTML part is represented by a bulleted list. Note that each image is put into and tags in order to show the image in the default state.

You can find script related stylesheet in the main style.css file. You will need to modify the following styles:

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