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CherryFramework 4. How to enable/disable and manage breadcrumbs
March 15, 2016
This tutorial provides an explanation of how to enable/disable and manage breadcrumbs in CherryFramework 4 template.
CherryFramework 4. How to enable/disable and manage breadcrumbsIn order to manage breadcrumbs, you need to navigate to Cherry -> Options -> Navigation -> Breadcrumbs section in your WordPress admin panel. Let’s overview the options available:

“Breadcrumbs background” sets a background for breadcrumbs section on the website. You have the options to upload a background image and/or set a background color as well as choose the appropriate CSS options such as Background repeat, Background attachment, Background size, Background position, Background clip and Background origin:
Please read the CSS documentation here to know more about CSS background properties.
“Breadcrumbs” option allows you to enable or disable breadcrumbs navigation on the frontend.
“Page title” defines either to show or hide page title in breadcrumbs navigation.
“Breadcrumbs mobile” option enables or disables breadcrumbs on mobile/tablet devices.
“Home page breadcrumbs” option shows or hides breadcrumbs navigation on the home page:
“Customize a Home page title?” option allows you to define a Home page title if it is set to “Yes”.
“Item separator” allows you to set the breadcrumbs separator symbol such as “/”, “>”, “|”, etc.
“Breadcrumbs prefix” option allows you to set the text displayed before breadcrumbs navigation:
Now you know how to enable/disable and manage breadcrumbs in CherryFramework 4 template.
Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:
CherryFramework 4. How to enable/disable and manage breadcrumbs