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Magento 1.9. Troubleshooter. Missing products issue

Grace Kerrigan May 24, 2017
Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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Working with Magento e-commerce store you can encounter the issue with the missing products. For example, you added product to some category and it's not displayed at the frontend.

Let's check what could cause such issue.

  1. Navigate to the Catalog > Manage Products section and open your product for editing.

  2. Scroll down to Status field and make sure your product is enabled.

  3. Then, from the left column menu select Inventory tab.

  4. If the Manage Stock option is enabled make sure the Qty value is not equal to 0.

    Also the Stock Availability option should be set to In stock.

  5. When you are done editing the product settings you need to clear Magento cache and re-index the products.

That is the end of the tutorial. Now you know how to deal with missing products issue in Magento templates.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Magento 1.9. Troubleshooter. Missing products issue
Templates for Magento
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