Runner – víceúčelové téma WooCommerce sport, fitness a nábytek
og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

March 15, 2025:
- Add conversion optimized features
- Add: Ask a question popup
- Add: Share a product popup
- Update: Core plugin to 3.4.0
- Update: Avanam theme to 1.5.3
- Update: Slider revolution to 6.7.30
November 11, 2024:
- Changed all files and whole file structures
- Need to reinstall theme
- Major Release 2.0.0
August 12, 2023:
- Changed sample data in the runner_customizer_export.dat, runner_widgets_settings.wie, runner_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
- Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
- Update WordPress Version
- Update Revolution Slider
- Update Revolution Slider & WP Bakery plugin in latest version.
- Fixed miscellaneous issue with package files.
- Update revolution slider Revolution Slider and WP Bakery plugin in latest version.
- Solve some miscellaneous bugs.
- Update latest version of Revolution Slider & WP Bakery plugin.
- Fixed outdated theme issue with theme package.
- Update theme plugins files.
- Fixed outdated files issue and update theme plugin files.
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